Project AI: Do Feature-Additive Explanation Methods Agree?
Report written for the ‘Project AI’ course Michael Neely and I did on eXplainable AI. This course was done during our time in the MSc AI program at the Unive...
I'm a PhD candidate at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (CLTL), supervised by Piek Vossen and Peter Bloem.
My interests are primarily with the role of reasoning in Natural Language Understanding, for example:
I obtained a BSc in Computer Science from Utrecht University, and a MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Amsterdam.
Report written for the ‘Project AI’ course Michael Neely and I did on eXplainable AI. This course was done during our time in the MSc AI program at the Unive...
[Mirror of post on Medium.] For the past year or so I have been involved in a project systematically comparing feature-additive eXplainable AI (XAI) methods...
Our paper which was presentation at the ICML Workshop on Theoretic Foundation, Criticism, and Application Trend of Explainable AI.